

This is the first of a series of three videos around the viodeaimation applied to the drum. In this video the videonaimation is applied simplifying the beats, so it´s easier to be understood. If you want to see it in a better quality click here Quicktime 3,7 Mb

This second video is more complex and he is more centered in animating the pieces of the drum. The beats of the kick, snare and charles try to emulate the movement created by the beats of the drummer (that is, me), and to harness visually the fact rythmical of the drum In order to see it in better quality Quicktime 4 Mb

In the third video there are animated other kind of things: The back, my clothes... And I play with other elements of the videoanimation. In order to see it in the other format Quicktime 2,7 Mb

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