

The first videoclip made with Atomoog, of the song Gezurtia (music: Atomoog, lyrics: Iker), from the disc "Zerutik eskegita" (Hanging from the sky). We recorded it in only one afternoon in February 2004, iluminated with that strange light. The diting work was much longer, a month and a half. The images were very static and I tried to give them movement, based in the rhythm of the song. I also played with the position of the light, basing the composition of the video in its movement. We haven´t seen the spider of the video never again. Recorded in Gaztelu Zoroa, thanks to the band Exhale. atomoog.blogspot.com

Duration: 3´47''
Atomoog "Gezurtia" (Lying) from "Zerutik eskegita"
Subtitled in english

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